Tieteellä todistettua
Paula M. Di Nota University of Toronto, Canada, Judith P. Andersen University of Toronto, Canada, Juha-Matti Huhta Police University College of Finland, Finland Harri Gustafsberg Police University Evidence-Based Instruction of Police Use of Force: Practical Methods and Pedagogical Principles Source Title: Interventions, Training, and Technologies for Improved Police Well-Being and Performance Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 30DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-6820-0.ch005
Ari-Elmeri Hyvönen, Tapio Juntunen, Harri Mikkola, Juha Käpylä, Harri Gustafsberg, Markku Nyman, Tiina Rättilä, Sirpa Virta., Johanna Liljeroos (2019) Kokonaisresilienssi ja turvallisuus: Tasot, prosessit ja arviointi. Helmikuu 2019 Valtioneuvoston selvitys- ja tutkimustoiminnan julkaisusarja 17/2019 https://tietokayttoon.fi/julkaisut/raportti?pubid=URN:ISBN:978-952-287-647-8
Sirpa Virta, PhD, Harri Gustafsberg PhD. University of Tampere, Finland (2018) Innovation Management in Police Organisations: Exploring the process from scientific innovation to police training. CEPOL 2018
Judith Pizarro Andersen, PhD, Paula Maria Di Nota, PhD, Brett Beston, PhD, Evelyn Carol Boychuk, MSc, Harri Gustafsberg, PhD, Steven Poplawski, BA, and Joseph Arpaia, MD (2018). Reducing Lethal Force Errors by Modulating Police Physiology. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine: October 2018 - Volume 60 - Issue 10 - p 867–874 doi: 10.1097/JOM.0000000000001401
Andersen, J. P., & Gustafsberg, H. (2016). A training method to improve police use of force decision making: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Police Emergency Response. Open Access: DOI: 10.1177/2158244016638708
Andersen, J. P., Papazoglou, K., Gustafsberg, H., Collins, P. I., & Arnetz, B. B. (2016). Mental preparedness training (FBI Bulletin). FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin
Andersen, J. P, Papazoglou, K., Koskelainen, M., Nyman, M., Gustafsberg, H., & Arnetz, B. B. (2015). Applying resilience promotion training among Special Forces police officers. Journal of Police Emergency Response. Open Access: DOI: 10.1177/2158244015590446.
Andersen, J. P., Papazoglou, K., Nyman, M., Koskelainen, M., & Gustafsberg, H. (2015). Fostering resilience among police. Journal of Law Enforcement. Open Access. Performing under stress Evidence- based training for police resilience A trainer prepares members of the Finnish Special Forces Unit to maintain mental awareness and focus during a building search. Monitoring their heart rate and oxygen consumption provides an indication of how stressed they were during the scenario. Credit: Courtesy of Judith Andersen By Judith Andersen, Ph.D., Harri Gustafsberg, M.A., Peter Collins, M.D., Senior Cst. Steve Poplawski, Bsc., Emma King, M.A., Health Adaptation Research on Trauma (HART) Lab, University of Toronto
Judith P. Andersen, PhD, Psychology Assistant Professor, University of Toronto; Harri Gustafsberg, Chief Inspector, Finnish Police, MSc; Markku Nyman, Psychologist in Finnish Police, MSc; Mari Koskelainen, Clinical Psychologist & Lecturer in Police University College of Finland, DClinPsy; Konstantinos Papazoglou, Psychology PhD Candidate, University of Toronto & former Police Captain in Hellenic Police. The essential role of mental preparedness in optimal functioning among the police: Opening a dialogue on an understanding topic by NATIONAL DEFENCE UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF LEADERSHIP AND MILITARY PEDAGOGY SERIES 2: NO. 16 (2015)
Andersen, J. P., Papazoglou, K., Nyman, M., Koskelainen, M., & Gustafsberg, H. (2015). Fostering resilience among police. Journal of Law Enforcement. Open Access.
Ylikomisario Harri Gustafsberg & psykologi Markku Nyman / Poliisiammattikorkeakoulu.(2015). Mielen valmentamisella optimaaliseen suoritukseen. MAANPUOLUSTUSKORKEAKOULU JOHTAMISEN JA SOTILASPEDAGOGIIKAN LAITOS JULKAISUSARJA 2: ARTIKKELIKOKOELMAT NO. 16 (2015)
Gustafsberg, H, 2014. Mielen valmentamisella optimaaliseen suoritukseen, Siipipyörä 2014
Åhman, H & Gustafsberg, H, 2017. Tilannetaju päätä paremmin, Alma Talentum, 2017 (Suomen Ekonomiliiton kirjallisuuspalkinto, Pääpalkinto ja Yleisöäänestyksen voittaja 2018)
Gustafsberg, H, 2018. Do people get shot, because some cops panic, Juvenes Printi, Tampere 2018
Gustafsberg, H & Holmavuo, H. Karhuryhmä, Otava 2019 (Bestseller 2021)
Gustafsberg, H & Sallinen, S. Taktinen Neuvottelu, Otava 2021
Gustafsberg, H & Ollikainen, M. Karhuryhmä 2, tapaus Ilpo Larha, matkalla mielen mestariksi, Otava 2022
Harri Gustafsbergin kehittämää ja käyttämää valmennusmenetelmää tutkitaan parhaillaan Toronton Yliopiston HART-laboratorion tutkimus- ja kehittämishankkeessa. Tutkimuksessa pyritään todentamaan erittäin vaativan työn psyykkisiä ja fysiologisia muutoksia ja sitä, miten muutoksiin voidaan vaikuttaa positiivisesti. Kansainväliseen valmennusohjelmaan ja artikkelijulkaisuihin voi tutustua osoitteessa: proresilience.org
iPREP is a training program developed through research by Dr. Judith Andersen at the University of Toronto and application by Police Expert Harri Gustafsberg, Finland. The program, based on scientific findings and police field tests, is tailored to improve performance through a series of mental and physical training techniques. Through a combination of lecture, exercises, and Reality Based Training, students will be exposed to increasing stress factors in order for them to practice specific methods of maximizing their performance. Using advanced training aids, students will learn how to stabilize their heart rate and breathing, and apply visualization techniques that optimize performance during stressful encounters.
iPREP is a practical, reality based program designed to enhance student learning. Students practice controlling their stress responses while engaging in scenarios tailored to their occupational exposures. Results from police field tests indicate that controlling stress responses, such as heart rate and breathing, directly improves decision making. Responsibility and accountability are extremely important when it comes to enforcement agencies. Training your officers to make better decisions will, in-turn, reduce liability for your service overall.